Reduce the Redness: Treatment for Acne Rosacea

Acne is the most common skin disorder. It occurs when sebaceous glands become blocked with oil and bacteria. Clogged pores develop into acne pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads. Rosacea is another common, chronic skin disorder. It occurs when blood vessels dilate in the middle portion of the face causing the face to appear flushed in the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Acne Rosacea is a condition where both acne and Rosacea occur in tandem. The areas of the face that flush also develop acne pimples. This article will explain treatment options for Acne Rosacea.

While acne is considered a skin condition that primarily affects teenagers and young adults, Rosacea (Acne Rosacea) normally strikes adults ages 30-60. Though acne pimples are present, whiteheads and blackheads rarely occur in Acne Rosacea. People who are fair-skinned, sun damaged, or who blush easily are more prone to Acne Rosacea. Caucasian women are affected more than any other group. Over time, the condition will worsen if left untreated. The skin will become even redder as blood vessels expand and break. Each time the skin flushes, the disorder progresses until the skin itself will thicken and swell. This redness and swelling can become permanent.

What 'Gets the Red Out'?

The best natural remedy for Acne Rosacea is avoiding all the "triggers" that bring on flushing. These differ in people but may include everything from hot beverages, spicy foods, alcohol, weather conditions, emotional states, and irritating soaps or skin creams. For some, controlling triggers controls the disorder without medical intervention. It is important to target and remove all foods that cause redness. Rosacea can continue for years. For those who cannot naturally control the condition, surgery may be required to correct broken blood vessels (a condition called telangiectasias). The surgery to correct telangiectasias is called electrocautery, and it uses an electric needle to burn the broken blood vessels. If Rosacea is untreated, facial skin will develop rhinophyma, a condition where the cheeks and nose become lumpy and swollen. At this stage excess skin may need to be shaved off to smooth overall appearance of the face. Other treatments for Acne Rosacea include oral antibiotics such as Tetracycline and Erythromycin, low doses of the acne drug Accutane, and topical gels like Cleocin-T lotion and sulfa.

Women experiencing menopause may need to take special medication to control hot flashes since this condition greatly affects incidence of Rosacea. A yellow or olive-based makeup can be applied to camouflage redness. A dermatologist should be seen regularly to control Acne Rosacea flare-ups.