Anger Management Test

Anger is a natural emotion which is experienced by every individual. Expressing anger shouldn't cause trouble to others. I you can difficult controlling your temper then you should learn to manage your out burst. If not controlled, anger is powerful emotion that can lead to serious problems in your relationships and career. Physical altercation without the prior expression of anger by least one of the participants is very rare. Because we have language, humans usually have written and verbal sources ie written threats and verbal insults. Hence we may not perceive immediately physical threat, but can feel pain psychologically. Anger can arise without a direct physical threat and without an actual other person is present. We have capacity to imagine the distant future, so the threat of pain can also arise because of our imagination. It may not be based on anything happening in the immediate present. Humans have some behavioral norms related to social survival. If anybody does not follow these norms, other human's anger arises. E.g not receiving respect. This may break social or interpersonal safety rules. After reading about others being treated unjustly, human may experience anger even though he or she is not the victim. So human being experience anger empathetically.

Everybody has ability to learn this skill. The anger management test is designed to evaluate the manner in which you approach and handle anger inducing situations. There are questions describing situations that may not be relevant to you. You have to select the answer you would most likely choose if you ever found yourself in that type of situation. You have to examine the statements and choose the answer option that best applies to you. In order to receive the most accurate results, you must answer as truthfully as possible. Your answers will be interpreted and you will receive a brief personalized interpretation of your score that includes a graph and information on the test topic.

If you feel you have a problem with anger then you can take this test to find out. The questions may YES/NO answer questions like following * Have you harmed anyone when you are angry? * Have you harmed a loved one because of anger? * Are you hurt by yourself when angry? * Do you feel guilty after getting angry? * Because of anger have you lost any job? * Has anybody threatened you because of your anger? * Have you ever been arrested because of anger factor? * Do you feel often unable to control your anger? * Has any friend or loved one said that you have anger problem? * Has any counselor said that you have a problem with anger?