Home Bodybuilding Programs For When You Don't Want To Join A Gym

Most people think that you have to join a gym in order to become a bodybuilder but that just isn't so. Many bodybuilders work out at home with home bodybuilding programs. Joining a gym can have its benefits but most people sign up for a gym and then don't go. They end up paying for a membership they don't use. Some people go to the gym but they have to wait for others to get off the machines or pieces of equipment they want to use and it's a big hassle. For most, just getting up the energy to go to the gym takes more work than the working out does. For all of those reasons, it might be better to try some home bodybuilding programs. You won't have to wait in line, you can work out whenever you want to and there's no monthly fee to worry about.

Weights Vs. No Weights

Believe it or not, you can complete a home bodybuilding program without weights. If you've never worked out before, doing things like pushups, reverse pushups, shoulder pushups, squats, lunges and more will give you a great workout and will provide a base physique that will soon require weights. See, your body gets used to workouts very quickly so you should always switch any program every six to eight weeks. However, you can complete a home bodybuilding program without weights, you just have to know what you're doing.

Free Weights Vs. Machines

Some people swear by free weights when it comes to home bodybuilding programs while others swear by machines. The thing about machines is that they're typically more expensive than just a dumbbell set and you would need a machine to work each body part. If you don't have a lot of money and you're looking to start simple, a set of dumbbells will do just fine. With dumbbells, you can complete a home bodybuilding program using every body part and you can even switch up the exercises every so often so your body doesn't get bored. If you have the money, however, spring for a machine that will work the entire body without taking up too much space in your house.


For exercises and routines for home bodybuilding programs, you can look online or you can just play around to see what your body responds to. The important thing is to keep up your motivation, which is sometimes hard with home bodybuilding programs because nobody is there to push you, to use proper form and to always eat correctly. In no time at all, you'll see the physique you want staring you back in the mirror.