Which Eye Care Doctor Do You Need?

Which Eye Care Doctor Do You Need?

Our eyes are very vital to our way of life. They help us in many different ways. This is the reason why when we have an eye problem, we need to consult an eye care doctor immediately because we can not trifle with something as important as our eyes' health and vision.

Types of Eye Care Doctor

There are basically just three types of eye doctors available for us. The first eye care doctor is the ophthalmologist. These ophthalmologists are medical doctors who have gone through approximately eleven to fourteen years of study and training to be of service to us. This type of eye care doctor can diagnose and recommend surgical action on various types of disease and illnesses concerning the eyes. Ophthalmologists can operate and apply remedies and medication on a patient for whatever solution the eye care doctor may see fit. Ophthalmologists undergo strict training and studies to be able to perform the necessary surgery needed to correct vision which is why it is quite difficult to get a license to be an ophthalmologist.

The optometrist is another type of eye care doctor who is licensed to treat and diagnose problems in the eyes using non-surgical means including but not limited to the prescription of eye drops, detect other eye problems and recommend ophthalmologists who can deal with the eye problem better. An optometrist is the eye care doctor who usually conducts the regular eye examinations on most people who wish to have their vision acuity checked. This eye car doctor can also prescribe contact lenses and eyeglasses for those who need them.

Another specialized type of eye care doctor is the retina specialist. These doctors are usually ophthalmologist who additional training for the correct diagnosis and proper treatment of retinal disease. This type of eye care doctor can diagnose and perform surgery on patients who suffer from retinal disease.

Choosing the Right Eye Care Doctor for You

You must consider the severity of your condition when choosing the right eye care doctor you wish to see for it. In some severe cases like a disease or an eye condition where you feel pain or the eye is inflamed, you need to see an ophthalmologist while routine eye examinations can be done through an optometrist. Fittings for contact lenses and eyeglasses can be done by an optometrist also. The retina specialist is usually approached upon the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.