
Nature and our entire lives would definitely be so poor and colorless without flowers; even in the most crowded metropolis, you'll still find flowery corners in garden, parks or people's homes. Interior decorations without the presence of flowers are considered almost inconceivable by some house owners who choose to lend beauty and a special spirit to their rooms by plant growing.

In the evolution of all cultures, flowers are present from the dawn of history; they are stylized in paintings and mosaics, on temple walls and in carvings, being used for the most common of decorations. Flowers accompany the most primeval of rituals, whether they are related to life or death, this world or the afterlife, the sacred or the profane, and this prevalence explains the development of a special symbolism associated with certain flowers.

Water lilies are considered the rare and beautiful symbols of spiritual enlightening; in Asian cultures, the so-called lotus flower is the archetype of a level of enlightenment that is the closest to divinity. Hence, we wouldn't be in the wrong to say that some flowers have their powerful counterpart in the invisible world by the power of the spirit.

Flowers charm by color, fragrance, freshness and emotional charge as well; once they are offered, they are given a certain kind of significance, and all we have to do in order to prove their power is to simply consider the many occasions we offer them as message bearers. Flowers say “thank you”, flowers say “I love you”, flowers say “Congratulations!”, flowers say “I'm sorry”, flowers receive all the charge of all our good thoughts.

All the cosmetic skin care products, the many perfumes and fragrances that delight our senses and dress us with their aroma, are nothing else but an imitation of the delight Mother Nature has given us in flowers. Rose petals in bath tubs, iris and jasmine extracts are but a few examples of flowers that served well for the body care in the antique world. Nevertheless there has always been more to flowers than scent and color!

Besides the decorative function that prevails in most cases, flowers also share healing powers, being exploited by traditional medicine since the dawn of time when nature was the only source of remedies for various diseases and ailments. Even in our modern times, there are flowers the properties of which remain undeniably valuable for the medical world: this is the very case of a plant we know today as passion flower.