Nature's Way: Homeopathy Complexes And Cures

The practice of homeopathy has been in existence for over 200 years. As developed by its founder, Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathic medicine uses the same scientific methodology introduced in the 1800s. The basic tenet of homeopathy is that a healthy body is in a stable state called homeostasis in which all systems of the body are working together harmoniously. When one or more of the body's systems loses equilibrium, disease or disorder occurs.

Popular Alternative Treatment

Homeopathic medicine is a non-traditional approach to treatment of diseases and disorders. Labeled "alternative medicine," homeopathy has many skeptics. Traditional practitioners of medicine find homeopathy complexes particularly questionable. Homeopathy complexes are medicinal remedies created to treat disease, sometimes by causing more upset to the body. These medicines are unusual in that they produce a similar effect as the disease. Homeopathy uses the theory of "treating like with like" to cure ailments.

Homeopathy complexes can be mixtures of more than one drug or a single drug. Traditional homeopathic practitioners use the smallest dose of a single medication as possible. Medicines are prescribed based on patient symptoms rather than medical diagnosis. Remedies are selected to encourage some of the symptoms. So, for a while, you feel worse before you feel better. This is thought to aid the body in ridding itself of illness.

Homeopathic Practitioner Or Witch Doctor?

Some doctors feel that the practice can do patients more harm than good and that it inevitably harms health more than it heals. Homeopathic practitioners carry medical degrees but they also prescribe non-traditional medications and diagnose by non-traditional methods. The focus is on first detoxifying the body of any impurities as these can upset the body's natural state of homeostasis. Next, patient mental and physical overall health is evaluated.

Treatment is for the patient not the disease. A holistic approach is believed to help cure both mind and body. Traditional medical practitioners may accept homeopathy complexes to treat mild disorders such as hay fever, minor skin irritation, colds, and indigestion. They do not, however, believe that homeopathy complexes are a cure for any major disease such as diabetes or cancer.

Doctors also strongly warn against homotoxicology, or the mixture of homeopathic medications, to cure any disease or disorder. Medical studies have also not proven homeopathic remedies to be successful. Most have found that homeopathic remedies are no better than placebo and that patients who receive results do so because they believe in a cure.