Making A Statement With Interior Decorating Paint

Not too long ago I went over to visit a friend who had just finished several remodeling projects within their home. One of their projects was their young son's room and the first thing that struck me about the room was the walls. It looked like wallpaper but it wasn't. It was paint in the pattern of blue jeans and it looked like a huge pair of blue jeans was spread all over their son's walls.

It was one of the most unique things I had ever seen so I asked them about it. They said it was a special interior decorating paint and it was very simple to apply and, as I could see, the end result was pretty spectacular. So I started to look into interior decorating paint and I found that there is a whole world of interior decorating paint out there that I never even knew existed and a lot of it was extremely interesting. Not only was their interior decorating paint that could make your walls look like a pair of blue jeans but there were interior decorating paint kits that could create countless effects on your walls like a cloud effect or even a seashell effect.

It really depends on what statement you want to make. If you are looking to create a relaxing atmosphere then you may want to invest in the interior decorating paint that makes everything look like clouds. A whole room that looks like you are in one huge cloud would be quite relaxing I would imagine. Sometimes interior decorating paint is not anything that looks special, it is just made to a finer quality than standard paints and looks better when it is applied. Either way you certainly get your money's worth with interior decorating paint.

You May Recognize Some Of The Names

I thought it was interesting some of the manufacturer names I saw on the cans of interior decorating paint. Did you know Ralph Lauren made a line of interior decorating paint? They are some of the most brilliant colors you have ever seen and they are extremely expensive. Earth tones are also all the rage when it comes to interior paints and people seem happy to make their walls look like the ground. The possibilities are endless and if you know the effect you want then chances are there is an interior decorating paint out there perfect for you and your project.