Important Gardening Lawn Care Information

When it comes to gardening lawn care, there is a lot of information that is important to know. There are a few subjects in particular however which are of great importance, including mowing, watering, pests, and fertilizing, just to name the most major aspects of the many that are involved here.


Mowing is one of the most important aspects of all gardening lawn care, and there are a few things in particular that you will want to pay attention to. For one, when you are mowing you want to make sure that you always mow in different directions rather than mowing along the same lines each and every time.

This is because you will end up cutting more leaf surface on weeds that may tend to lean in the direction of mowing, and therefore you will be keeping the weeds out of the way rather than allowing them a chance to compete with the grass.

You also want to return the clippings, and so if you only cut one third of the leaf under dry conditions for example then the clippings will fall evenly on the soil surface. Grass clippings are made up of about 85 percent water and so they are very nutritious and healthy for the remaining grass and soil.


When it comes to watering in gardening lawn care, of course you know that you have to water on a regular basis, but it is also important to know that if you live on a hill you are going to have to water more often because the water will just drip right down the hill. An irrigation system is actually the best idea here because it will be able to water the entire area properly.


Pests are one of the most major aspects involved with gardening lawn care, and a healthy, vigorous dense turf is always the best defense against invasion by weeds and other pests. Remember that turf diseases are often confused with other problems, such as dull mower blades and compacted soil, so be sure of the real problem before attempting to fix it.


This is another incredibly important part of gardening lawn care, and ideally, a home lawn really only needs to be fertilized when nutrient levels drop below what is necessary. Simply by adding compost you will be doing a world of good for your lawn, as you will be providing it with the major and minor nutrients in a slow release form.