Facts about Double Chin Liposuction

Double chin liposuction is now a routine procedure with minimal risk for the patient undergoing the procedure. Earlier, to get rid of fat or sagging jowls, individuals will need plastic surgery, such as face lifts and chin tucks. Double chin liposuction, however, is now the popular choice for individuals with a pronounced double chin.

Exercise seldom affects fat in the chin area and gadgets may not affect everybody in the way they are promoted to. As with all other liposuction procedures, you are recommended to diet after the procedure to endure that the treated area does not fill up again with fat. Doctors may recommend a diet for you or you can approach a dietician after undergoing double chin liposuction.

Tumescent Technique for Double Chin Liposuction

Incisions are necessary for double chin liposuction but these are very small and negligible at times due to the newer tubes that are also smaller in size. The doctors also make the incisions in less visible places for the comfort of the patient. These small incisions also heal fast for faster recovery time. The tubes used to suction out the fats from the area are as small as 2mm in diameter. This help in reducing damage to the capillaries and nerves.

Local anesthesia is used for the double chin liposuction procedure. This means that the patients who undergo the procedure can be up and about almost immediately after the double chin liposuction procedure. The potential side effects of general anesthesia are also avoided in this procedure. The skin and tissues also suffer fewer traumas and there is less bleeding to deal with, thus reducing the risk of heavy bleeding, swelling and damaged nerves. All this means that there is reduced bruising to the underlying tissues.

The use of a chin strap is usually recommended after undergoing double chin liposuction. The purpose of this requirement is to give some pressure on the affected area for the reduction of fluids. A chin strap also helps to reduce mobility of the area to promote even faster healing. Patients who undergo the double chin liposuction procedure are encouraged to reduce their activity only a few days after the procedure.

Double chin liposuction is one of the many liposuction procedures that carry minimal risk for the patients who undertake it. In spite of this, there can be some risks which you might want to ask your doctor about before undergoing double chin liposuction.