Myspace Url

Not many people know what the acronym URL stands for, but they use it anyway. But the question that you want to know now is not what URL stands for, but why on earth it’s in this article that you’re reading. For the simple reason of course, that if you have a MySpace account, then among the many other perks and benefits that you get with your membership, you also get to have your very own MySpace URL.

And this is the entire reason why it might be a good idea for you to know what URL, stands for. Otherwise how are you to know that when you’re told you can have your very own MySpace URL that, you can have your friends, or anyone you want for that matter, go straight to your MySpace URL to find you on the MySpace pages?

To get your own MySpace URL however, there are a few things that you must do. And the first of these requires for you to first validate your address. This is of course only if you haven’t already done so, and if you’ve only just gotten your MySpace account.

After you validate your email, you can then get around to creating your very own MySpace URL. This involves a few steps the first of which is – funnily enough – clicking on the link which will take you to the page which will begin your journey for your MySpace URL.

You will probably want to think of a good name for you to put as your MySpace URL, and then think up about another half a dozen more. This is for the very simple reason that with over a million MySpace members and counting, it is very likely that someone out there has already thought of your preferred name.

When you get a few of these down on paper, you can then go through the procedure to get your MySpace URL. You will need to type it in the textboxes provided for that purpose and then click on the submit button to see if your chosen MySpace URL is already taken.

If it is, you will then be taken to the beginning and prompted to enter another name as your chosen MySpace URL. After you go through with this a few times, you will then be lucky and hit the jackpot, at which point you will be greeted with a message saying something like, “Good job”. Your MySpace URL will also be on the screen.

From there it’s just a matter of using it wisely and giving out your MySpace URL to everyone who really matters and exploring your many fascinating opportunities.

Oh, and by the way, the URL part of your MySpace URL, stands for Universal Resource Locator. Or in other words, it’s your very address in the wide world of the World Wide Web. No one else has this unique address (URL), only you do. Now isn’t that something special?