Keeping The Pests From Your Organic Garden Plants

People who are passionate about organic food and grow organic gardens, believe that there is a direct connection between man made chemicals and unhealthy bodies and minds. In an attempt to keep themselves healthy many are growing gardens that are fully stocked with organic garden plants.

The Problem

People who keep organic gardens are people who are trying to grow a healthy and bountiful garden without the assistance of pesticides. Pesticides are sprays that are sprayed on the garden to discourage insects that would like to feast on the garden's flowers and vegetables. Organic growers don't want to use the chemical pesticides on their garden because they feel that the pesticides will soak into the ground water. Eventually the pesticide will be ingested and the gardener fears what the affects of the pesticide will be on the human body.

The problem the organic gardener has is that, while the ground water is pure, their garden is full of bugs steadily eating their way through the vegetables. The gardener must find a way to protect their organic garden plants without using anything that isn't a living thing. This is a huge dilemma for the organic gardener.

The Solution

Many organic gardeners have found that there is an all natural, organically approved method of pest control that no one can dispute. The key to protecting the garden produce is literally the organic garden plants. Researchers have found that some organic garden plants can be used to attract the insects that will eat the bugs that decrease a garden's productivity.

One of the organic garden plants that is most successful for pest control is fennel. Fennel is a wonderful organic garden plant because it attracts ladybugs, which are very useful for controlling garden pests. Other organic garden plants that do a wonderful job attracting natural predators include ammi majus, allyssum, dill, and cumin. Not only do these plants help attract natural predators you can also harvest the organic garden plants and use them in the kitchen, many of are wonderful spices.

The other thing that many organic gardeners do to keep the pests out of their garden is purchasing the natural predators, like Praying Mantises and Lacewings, and turning them loose in their garden. Once freed these predators spend there time hunting among the organic garden plants and looking for edible bugs and making sure they aren't chewing on your tomato plants. Organic gardeners can purchase natural predators at most organic nurseries or organic garden stores.