Some Tips On The Proper African Grey Parrot Food To Give To Your Feathered Friend

Bringing home an African Grey parrot means making a commitment to providing the best home for this most adorable pet and that of course will mean being capable of providing the most suitable African Grey parrot food for your new acquisition. In fact, committing to feeding healthy African Grey parrot food is no small matter given the fact that these pets live for as many as forty plus years and so, you will be shouldering such a responsibility for many years to come.

Not Just Bird Seeds

The most common mistake that owners of the African Grey parrot make is to believe that it is sufficient to include just bird seed in the diet of the bird and so, to simply give mixed seed as the entire African Grey parrot food and neglect to find out what is indeed proper and right for their pet birds is a big mistake. In fact, because bird seed is cheap and often pushed by the companies making bird food, you too could fall into the trap of including them in the African Grey parrot food and not give another thought to the bird's true dietary needs.

To be sure, it is most important to provide proper African Grey parrot food to an African Grey parrot baby whose health will be threatened if an improper and unhealthy diet is given to it. In addition, once you have got the African Grey parrot baby started on the right African Grey parrot food, you need to then ensure that you change his diet as he grows older and stronger, and to also remember that you should not overfeed him.

In fact, the experts on this specie of bird are all agreed that the best African Grey parrot food is one that is actually a formula diet which can also be supplemented with different healthy foods. Thus, feeding your African Grey parrot with organic pellets is a step in the right direction; while on the other hand, the African Grey parrot food should not contain what is known as menadione.

The advantage to using organic pellets as African Grey parrot food is that it prevents the African Grey parrot from consuming excess of sugar which would be the case if you fed it other less than useful foods, and in addition, organic pellets are also contaminant-free. In addition, proper African Grey parrot food must also include items such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and certain supplemental foods. And, more importantly, African Grey parrot food must never include avocadoes, rhubarb as well as chocolates and neither is it recommended to give them junk food or meats (processed.)