Finding Relief From Osteo Arthritis Pain

Anyone who has experienced even the beginnings of arthritis understands the pain osteo arthritis can cause. With this degenerative disease, the cartilage cushion in joints slowly disintegrates causing the bones to rub together and in the later stages can cause debilitating pain. Osteo arthritis pain is one of the leading causes of disability and many over the counter pain relievers do not begin to address the problem once the cartilage is nearly gone.

Osteo arthritis, often referred to as the wear and tear disease, usually progresses with age, although it can be caused by injury and affect anyone in any age group. If an injury results in arthritis, early treatment may slow the onset of the affliction, but osteo arthritis pain relief may be needed to help the person resume normal activities. In the early stages, over the counter medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications may help, but stronger treatment may be required during the later stages of the disease.

When a person is first diagnosed with osteo arthritis pain relief may require lifestyle changes including refraining from many activities that result in pain. Any activity that can put pressure on arthritic joints should be avoided. Osteo arthritis pain can affect the fingers, knees, hips and many other joints and if skipping some activities is not possible make sure there is time to stop and rest while performing the task.

Strong Muscles Can Help Joint Strength

Persons with osteo arthritis pain find that gentle exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the joint, taking some of the weight off the affected joint as well as aiding in mobility. It is recommended that any exercise plans be checked by the doctor to make sure they do not cause any other problems.

Alternating heat and cold can help relieve some types of osteo arthritis pain, similar to the methods used by those in sports or suffering from injuries. Heating pads and ice packs can be a useful tool in relieving osteo arthritis pain, especially in the early stages of the disease. However, as the progression continues stronger pain relievers as well as anti-inflammatory drugs may be required.

For those suffering from osteo arthritis pain who are uncomfortable with prescription medication, natural alternatives are available that can help provide relief. Some patients are wary of prescription strength osteo arthritis pain relievers due to their potential for side effects and prefer to stick with a natural pain relief product.