The Facts About Smoking in the Workplace and Creating Policies

Smoking in the workplace is an issue that concerns employees and employers who smoke and who do not smoke. Therefore, most states have created a law often known as the "clean indoor air law," which restricts workplace smoking. The law varies from state to state. Some states prohibit smoking in all workplace facilities, while other workplace facilities only prohibit smoking in some form or another.

Restrictions on smoking in the workplace may be a designated smoking area for smokers. Other restrictions may prohibit smoking in public workplaces and not in private workplaces. However, restrictions may only occur in workplaces such as restaurant dining areas and hospitals.

To find out what laws apply to your state check with the labor and health department. State laws are not the only government agency mandating smoking in the workplace. City and county governments may also set smoking restrictions within their area call ordinances. To find out what these restrictions are, contact local government offices.

Smoking in the workplace is like any other issue. Management should address this issue accommodating both the smoker and the non-smoker. Creating a policy that will have all employees in mind helps keep everyone happy.

Creating Policy

Creating a policy for smoking in the workplace requires research and co-operation from all involved. The first step is to create a committee or board that determines what the policy should state. The committee or board should include people from management and employees. However, there should be smokers and non-smokers chosen to create the policy.

Creating a questionnaire to distribute to everyone is a good start to finding out everyone's opinions about smoking in the workplace. The questionnaire results can then be the start to creating a smoking in the workplace policy.

Other topics that should be discussed is the air quality of the building and what designated areas are the most appropriate for smoking. When determining the designated areas, keeping in mind the location of all employees and other workplace areas is an important factor with making the policy decision.

The most important criteria for implementing a smoking in the workplace policy is knowing what state, county, and city laws are on smoking. After a smoking in the workplace policy has been implemented all employees of the workplace need to be informed of the facts.