An Overview Of Woodworking Routers

If you're thinking of putting together a woodworking shop, one of the things your eventually going to want to have is a woodworking router. This is one of the most useful and versatile pieces of machinery your ever going to own. Woodworking routers are typically uses for making a variety of different cuts on the edges of boards. The variety of different bits available allow you to do some pretty amazing things.

Types Of Routers

There are two basic types of woodworking routers - fixed base and plunge type. You'll need to know the difference between the two before making the purchase. A plunge style router allows you to adjust the depth of your cut while the router is turned on. This type of router is usually heavier and more expensive. The main advantage of a plunge router is being able to cut a bit deeper with each pass across the wood. The base is a sort of plunger mechanism that allows you to cut deeper as you place more pressure on the unit. The fixed base router is just what it sounds like, the base cannot be adjusted while the router is in use. Obviously, without the extra mechanism, the router will have less weight and is generally more affordable than the other type.


There are a few other things to consider before you choose a woodworking router. Obviously, no matter what, you're going to want the best quality that you can afford. First you'll need to consider what type of projects you are going to be doing. Are you going to try and earn an income with your woodworking tools? If so, you'll want to spend a little more on something that can accommodate a wide range of different jobs. If you're going to use it only for personal use every once in a while, you may not want to make quite as big an investment. The amount of use you plan on getting out of your woodworking router is a major factor in what type you will buy.

It may be a good idea to rent a woodworking router when you need one at first. This will give you an idea of the types of things you will be using it for and how often you actually need one. The last thing you want to do is purchase an expensive piece of equipment, only to let it lay around and collect dust because you never use it.