Why Is It So Difficult to Find Acne Treatment for Black Skin?

Acne is a problem that affects people with no concern to the geographical area they live in or the color of their skin. White, yellow and black color skins are equally affected and scarred by acne. However, it is often felt that acne treatment for black skin is more difficult to find than for other color skins. Why is this so?

Factors That Interfere with Acne Treatment for Black Skin

Acne treatment is as it is a very elusive thing. There are many products and methods that promise great results with almost always having a hidden little star next to it that mentions a statutory warning - results may vary from person to person. This would mean that if you do not get all the benefits promised, you fall into the category of people who get less result in the variation chart and so you cannot really complain.

When it comes to black skin there are more complications due to the type of the skin. The black skin owes its color to the high production of melanin which normally protects the skin from the effects of the sun. At the same time, the skin is less hydrated and easily susceptible to acne and skin inflammations. Due to the altered skin consistency fighting the formation of acne becomes very difficult.

There are plenty of topical applications which can kill the bacteria found in infected and inflamed acne and dry it up. However, when this is applied as acne treatment for black skin you would find that those spots become lighter (as the melanin production is affected) leaving the skin spotted and ugly. This is why such remedies are normally ruled out.

There is another possible acne treatment for black skin in dermabrasion whereby the top most layer of the skin is removed and along with it the spots created by acne. Unfortunately, this too would leave behind a lighter color skin that looks unnatural and awkward. Hence, this treatment too is not a hot favorite for black skin.

In this way, there are a few factors that vote against the best available methods for treating acne because it affects the black skin adversely. The best acne treatment for black skin would be home remedies which fight the infection and remove the spots without interfering with the melanin production under the skin.

One such remedy is using a paste mixture of oatmeal, cucumber, lemon juice, lemon tree oil, turmeric, orange juice, tomato juice and honey in 1:1 ratio on your face as mask and rinse after 15-20 minutes. Repeat it every day for a clean and flawless skin.