Make Simple Lifestyle Changes To Deal With IBS And Sleep apnea

Generally, the term sleep apnea refers to a condition in which a disturbed sleep pattern is noticed, and a common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. In fact, sleep apnea which in the Greek language means ‘without breath' generally also is seen when a person has frequent cessation in breathing while asleep which could even last for a whole minute and which can occur as many as hundred times each night.

Lose Weight, And Quit Smoking

Sleep apnea also affects well over eighteen million Americans, while another common disorder that affects many Americans is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in which some of the symptoms noticed are abdominal bloating as well as nausea, pain and gas, as well as constipation and diarrhea and more. Some of things that you can do to help you with IBS and sleep apnea is to lose weight, sleep on your side, and quit smoking.

The first of these steps that will help you with IBS and sleep apnea is to lose weight in case you are overweight because if your body weighs the right amount then chances are that the frequency of the times that you stop breathing will come down and it is thus vital to managing both IBS and sleep apnea.

You need to also try sleeping on your side rather than on your back, which will help relieve symptoms of sleep apnea and thus further reduce the chances of your overeating during the day which in turn might result in IBS. The more restful sleep you get, the better are your chances of not suffering from IBS and sleep apnea.

Even avoiding alcohol is a measure that can help you with IBS and sleep apnea, as too is quitting smoking because in the latter instance, nicotine from the tobacco you smoke will cause the muscles to relax and thus keep your airways open, and so when you quit smoking, these muscles will not collapse at night and thus allow you to get a good night of sleep and thus prevent the possibility of getting other complications including IBS.

These are certainly very simple changes that need to be made to your lifestyle which you won't find difficult to make and which will go a long way in dealing with your IBS and sleep apnea problem. Since one condition can affect the other, even dealing with each one on its own can certainly make a difference to the other, and thus provide much needed relief from both disorders.