Birth Control Ring

When a woman starts planning on having a family she will generally look at ways in which she can prevent an unwanted pregnancy from occurring at the wrong time. One option that a woman can use is known as a birth control ring. Unlike birth control pills which come in a number of different brands the ring is produced only by one company.

NuvaRing is the name of the company which produces this birth control ring. When you are using this ring you will notice that it is made from soft and flexible material. The size of the ring is about 2 inches in diameter and it is less than a quarter inch thick.

As with birth control pills the ring can be used for 21 days consecutively before it must be removed in order for a woman’s body to resume its natural menstrual cycle. A new birth control ring must be reinserted after 7 days so that a woman will be protected against a possible pregnancy. During the time that she is not using the ring a secondary form of protection should be used.

Unlike other birth control options the birth control ring needs to be inserted into the vagina. You should make sure that you are following the directions which have been provided in order to get the optimum benefits from this product.

When the birth control ring has been successfully inserted the heat and moisture from the woman’s body will slowly release a low level dosage of estrogen and progesterone – which is otherwise known as progestin – which are the usual hormone treatments generally found in birth control tablets.

These chemicals will enter the body through the walls of the vagina. The continuous release of these hormones will play their part in inhibiting a pregnancy. You will find that the estrogen which is released by the ring will make your body feel as if you have become pregnant.

As a result of this trick which the estrogen plays on your fertility cycle the ovaries will not release an egg. On the off chance that an egg was released the progestin – or progesterone – in the birth control ring will prevent the egg from being fertilized.

This goal is achieved when the progestin causes the cervical mucus to become thicker. The thickness of this uterus mucus does not allow the sperm to pass into the uterus. There is a final part which is accomplished by the progesterone in the birth control ring. As the newly fertilized egg needs to attach itself to the uterus wall in order for the growth of the child to be carried out, the uterus wall becomes significantly thinner.

All of these changes which occur will help a woman control her time of pregnancy. And the nice part about using a birth control ring is that you don’t need to worry about taking tablets everyday of your cycle. With this birth control ring the protection that you need from birth control is already provided.