Birth Control Shot

Women are responsible for life starting. Since it is their right to choose this time of life beginning you should understand that some women will prefer to wait for some time until they feel that they have accomplished the goals they have in mind. To help in this task a woman can choose to use some form of birth control. One such item which can be used is known as a birth control shot.

This birth control shot is also called Depo-Provera. There are other names by which you will find Depo-Provera being called by. These names are “the shot” and DMPA. To ensure that pregnancy is prevented the shot needs to be administered about 4 times a year.

The substance that you will find in this shot is the hormonal chemical known as progestin. To get the correct dose you will need to visit your doctor. While the dose can help prevent a pregnancy it needs to be given roughly every 3 months.

As with the other known types of birth control products you will find that the progestin which is in the birth control shot inhibits the sperm from being able to fertilize an egg which may be present in the fallopian tunes or the uterus.

The location where the doctor will inject the birth control shot is generally in the buttocks or the upper arm. When you use this form of birth control you will find that there is no need to keep track of the number of pills that you must take. This is because the birth control shot replaces the pill and other alternative forms of birth control.

There is however side effects which can not be ignored as they may affect your health. The first side effect that you should understand about is the lack of protection from various sexually transmitted diseases. While this is the major side effect which can be experienced there are others which may not be as severe.

These will include side effects like breast tenderness, hair loss, changes in menstruation – these changes will be seen as heavier or lighter periods – depression and other such changes. Other possible complications which can be seem affect uses of a birth control shot are cervical cancer and breast cancer.

Even though these side effects are severe you can find many women who prefer to use a birth control shot instead of the other forms of birth control. This is mainly due to the high percent of women who feel that this birth control shot is more effective at preventing an unwanted pregnancy.