Building Muscle Mass: Things You Need to Know

The process of building muscle mass does not have to be difficult, but it is certainly not going to be the easiest thing. Before you get started, the best idea is to make yourself as educated and informed as possible, as this is how you are going to come out with the best possible results.

There are many different books, magazines, instructional videos, and trainers who are able to provide you with information on how to build muscle, and whether using free weights, machines, cables or free-hand exercises, it is important to understand that mastering the principles of resistance training is going to be fundamental to building muscle.

Resistance Training

Resistance training, or weight training as it is also commonly referred to, is one of the best exercises for building muscle mass. If you want to lose fat or change the shape of your body, one of the most important things you can do is lift weights. Weight training also helps you to raise your metabolism, strengthen your bones, and help you avoid injuries, improve coordination and balance, and increase your confidence and self-esteem.

When it comes to building muscle mass with weight training, you need to make sure that you are using more resistance than your muscles are used to, because the more you do the more your body is capable of doing and so you need to increase your workload regularly in order to avoid hitting plateaus.

Basically you need to continuously challenge your body if you want to continue making progress. You need to be lifting enough weight that you are only able to complete the desired number of repetitions, rather than being able to go over.

You can increase the intensity of your workout regularly simply by adding to the amount of weight that you are lifting or by changing your sets or repetitions. You can choose to make these changes either on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on the types of results that you are looking for.


Although resistance training is very effective for building muscle mass you also need to make sure that you are eating properly. After all you can work out all you want but if you are not eating the right foods then you are not going to be building muscle mass at all. You should be eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, one that includes lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain breads and legumes.