How Can You Prevent Cold Sores and Genital Warts?

Cold sores, otherwise known as fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus 1. Though common, cold sores are uncomfortable, unattractive, and highly contagious. They are also often confused with genital herpes, which is also caused by the herpes simplex virus 2. Both cold sores (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2) are treated in similar fashion, though a different strain of the herpes virus causes each. How can you prevent cold sores and genital warts is a good question for everyone to ask. The focus of this article is how can you prevent cold sores and genital warts.

How Can You Prevent Cold Sores? Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Cold sores are common and need to be treated at the first sign. They are usually transmitted by oral contact and can occur on the mouth, around the nose, on the chin, on the gums, on the roof of the mouth, and even on the fingertips. The first sign of a cold sore is a burning or itching sensation in the area where the cold sore will emerge. The area may be dry or red and inflamed. A hard bump may be felt under the skin. This bump will become a fluid-filled blister and may occur alone or in a cluster with other sores. The blister will rise break, ooze, peel, crust over, and finally dry up. The life of a cold sore is on average 7-10 days. Cold sores can spread if picked at. If cold sores are caught early, they can be treated with topical creams. Recurring cold sores may require a visit to the doctor and a prescription for an antiviral medication. The physician will also tell you how can you prevent cold sores. Once a patient has herpes simplex virus 1, it lies dormant in the nerves around the mouth until the next cold sore outbreak. Because common causes of cold sores are dehydration, malnutrition, stress, fever, sun exposure, and menstruation, preventing occurrences involves taking care of the body, maintaining a balanced diet, drinking water, managing stress, avoiding the sun, and getting plenty of rest.

How Can You Prevent Genital Warts? Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment

Genital warts are sores or blisters and that occur on or around the genital areas. They may occur on the skin of the penis, scrotum, or vagina and inside the vagina or anus. Genital warts can be quite painful and diagnosis involves a physician taken a sample of tissue from the inflamed area to send to a lab for testing. Genital warts are sexually transmitted and can also occur by oral contact with the genitals. Herpes simplex virus 2 has no cure and genital warts sufferers will always be able to transmit the virus to their sexual partners, even when they have no outward signs. The best prevention is to ask a physician for an antiviral medication which can manage herpes outbreaks. Being honest with sexual partners is important to protect them from exposure Anyone can have genital warts and knowledge of how can you prevent cold sores or genital warts is no guarantee against exposure. The herpes virus can have a delayed response, meaning those exposed to herpes may not see an outbreak for up to 20 days after exposure, which can make it difficult to identify the source. Herpes can also be spread even after the skin has healed. It is important to know that the virus may be dormant but is always transmittable.