Figuring out the Technicalities of an Arabian Horse Costume

You love to attend costume parties, and one is approaching quickly in your social calendar. However, you have wracked your brain trying to figure out what costume you would like to wear. After much debating, you think it would be fun to make an Arabian horse costume.

Arabian Horse Costumes: How Should They Look?

It is important to note that there is no one standard of Arabian horse costumes. Some people prefer to make more realistic Arabian horse costumes, while others prefer to make more humorous variations of an Arabian horse costume.

For example, say that you would like to make a more realistic version of an Arabian horse costume. For this, you will need yourself and another person. If you are taking a significant other to the costume party, this is a fun costume that you both can take part in.

Start by obtaining a picture of an actual Arabian horse. Traditionally, Arabian horses are white. Use this picture as your basis for the overall costume. Next, go to a local art supply store and get a significant amount of wire. Mold the wire in wide coils to make the head and neck of the costume. You might want to mix some plaster or molding clay and cover the wire to make this part of the costume as well.

The next step is to make the overall body of the horse. While the more elaborate version would have you constructing an additional wire/plaster/clay model, you could also just get a large white sheet and drape it over yourself and your partner.

The hard part will be figuring out how to move around in such a costume. An idea is to wear the costume for a while, and then take it off, but wear white clothing with a horse mask whenever the two of you are not in the entire costume.

This kind of costume can be tricky to make, so an option is for you to go to a local costume shop and see if they have one in stock. You can also pay extra money for a professional costume maker to make you one.

The internet is also an option when it comes to finding this kind of costume. Make sure that you have each other's measurements, and that you both agree on the costume. This is especially important, since you want a costume that both looks fun, and is as comfortable as possible.