Don't Be Afraid Of A Sacramento Family Dentist

There are so many Sacramento family dentists, you can't avoid them forever if you happen to have dental phobia. Dental phobia affects hundreds of thousands of people, so you are in good company. Dental phobia is the irrational fear of going to the dentist that can sometimes just triggered just by the word "dentist". But the best way to deal with your dental phobia is by going to the dentist and seeing that it's not so bad.

Set A Good Example

Although dental care is expensive, you often can greatly reduce expenses (and pain) with annual check ups. If you are scared of the dentist because of childhood experiences, you don't want to pass that fear onto your own children. This writer grew up in the 1970's, when death was kinder than dentistry. That wasn't exactly the Stone Age, but it was light years behind the advances in dentistry today.

By making finding and going to a Sacramento family dentist, you are setting a great example for your kids. Think about your own dental phobia - isn't your imagination of what might happen often worse than actually does happen? Dentists for kids are especially aware that dental phobia often starts as early as the first dental check up. They now make a dental visit as stress-free and interesting as possible.

Check Your Insurance Requirements

If you are lucky enough to have dental insurance with your employee health benefits, then you will have to go for an annual check up in order to qualify for any emergency procedures throughout the year. Some dental insurance plans ask for you and every member in your family to go for a check up every six months. Check with your potential Sacramento family dentist to see what plans they take.

Since kids grow so fast, a twice yearly check up makes more sense. Kids are young enough to learn good dental hygiene, which includes going to see the dentist. If they enjoy and are used to check ups at their Sacramento family dentist now, then they will be more inclined to continue those good habits throughout their lifetimes.

Addressing Other Fears

There are many other reasons why you may have dental phobia other than painful experiences as a child. You might be embarrassed by what your teeth look like. The Sacramento family dentist you go to will have seen worse, and will not be shocked. They deal with people who are embarrassed to open their mouths every day. They also are bound by privacy policies not to discuss your teeth with anyone.