Understanding The Cause and Cure for Diabetes

Before you tackle the cure of diabetes, you must also be aware of what causes this disease. Diabetes is disease that affects the levels of insulin in a person's body. There are basically three forms of this disease and these are type 2, type 2 and gestational diabetes. All these types of diabetes have something to do with the insulin levels and their functions in our bodies.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is the disease in which the individual's ability to produce insulin is affected by the auto immune system. The pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin are being regularly destroyed by the immune system thus making the production of insulin nil. In type 2 diabetes, the issue is about insulin resistance by some parts of the individual's body. This is a very serious condition that can cause many complications if left unattended.

On the other hand, gestational diabetes occurs only with women and only during pregnancy. The cure for diabetes of this type is actually very simple. Since some hormones produced in a pregnant woman's body promotes some tissues to resist insulin, the cure for diabetes in pregnant women is to give birth.

Potential Cures For Diabetes

Doctors have no actual "cure" for diabetes at the moments. What they do now to "cure" diabetes is to present alternatives to patients who suffer from this disease. Actual cure for diabetes is not available but the cure for the symptoms are readily available.

For Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, most doctors either recommend watching the patient's diet rigorously or in some severe cases, injecting insulin into the body during times when it becomes too low.

There has been thought of transplanting the defective beta cells that produce insulin in order to refresh the pancreatic cells. This method of cure for diabetes is still undergoing experimental tests and therefore is not suitable for human beings. So far, the research and studies have brought to light the potential problem of needing long maintenance medication in order to support the transplanted beta cells.

Although there is still a long way to go before any cure for diabetes can actually become a reality. It is a good idea to keep track of the progress that researchers and pharmaceutical companies are making towards finding a cure for diabetes. While waiting for this cure for diabetes, maintaining your health and diet are important in order not to complicate the disease.