Minnesota Eye Care: Common eye Conditions That Require Medical Treatments

There are many things that can cause poor eye conditions. The degree of severity of the damage on your eyes determines the kind of treatment that you need to get. Some types of eye problems can be cured with over the counter eye care products and some types of eye problems need more intensive care that can only be given by a Minnesota eye care specialist. To help you determine what types of circumstances requires the attention of a Minnesota eye care specialist, here are some of the most common eye problems that need medical attention.


Any types of blunt trauma on your eyes need immediate medical attention. Note that trauma to the eyes can lead to ruptured blood vessels and bleeding. If the blunt trauma is great, it can even cause the retina of your eyes to separate from the rest of your skull. Since this situation is really serious and can lead to blindness, you need to go to a Minnesota eye care specialist immediately. Any delay on your part can cause irreparable damage. Note that our eyes contain very delicate tissues and one these tissues are damaged, you may lose your eyesight. Moreover, ruptured veins can become infected and once this happens, saving your eyesight may be very difficult.


If you accidentally rub your fingernail or any metallic foreign object accidentally rubs into your conjunctiva or cornea and causes abrasion, go to your favorite Minnesota eye care specialist immediately. Abrasion in the eyes can be quite dangerous and can lead to some serious infections. To prevent eye infection and other types of complications, consult an eye specialist immediately.

Chemical Exposure

Although eye irritations that result from exposure to household chemicals may not really appear serious, you should not just be content with washing your eyes with water to remove the chemical irritants. Yes, splashing your face and your eyes with water immediately after exposure from household chemicals but this is not really enough to safeguard your eyes. Bear in mind that some types of household cleansing products contain harsh ingredients that can cause serious damage to your eyes so do not take things for granted. After washing your eyes with water, go to a Minnesota eye care specialist immediately. You cannot really be too careful when it comes to your eyes. Always remember that when it comes to your eyes, it is always better to be safe than sorry.