Snake Bite First Aid Tips

Those who love the thrill and excitement of outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, hunting or simply taking it to the wilderness must be wary of the possible dangers that can happen to them, one of which includes snake bites. In the United States alone, more than 8,000 people get snake bites every year, of which the bites are said to be poisonous. Emergency cases such as snake bites should be given immediate attention as this can cause a major disaster if left unattended or untreated. That is why it is important for you to know basic snake bite first aid procedures so you may know what to do when such an accident occurs.
Symptoms of poisonous snake bites are usually characterized by any of the following such as a wound that produces bloody discharge, fang marks and swelling on the affected area, a burning or tingling sensation, blurred vision, dizziness, excessive sweating, fainting, increased thirst, weakness, nausea, rapid pulse, severe pain, vomiting, convulsion, fever and diarrhea. Bites from non-poisonous snakes can also even cause allergic reaction or infection in some people as well.
It is a must to seek immediate medical assistance when someone gets bitten by a snake. You can administer some snake bite first aid procedures while waiting for the emergency assistance to arrive. Remove tight clothing or jewelry first and then wash the affected area with soap and water. You can also cover the bite with a light and clean compress or moist dressing to reduce discomfort and swelling.

If medical assistance seems to take too long to arrive, you can perform these snake bite first aid procedures, as recommended by the American Red Cross by immediately tying a bandage above and below the bite, usually about two to four inches away from the affected part. This helps to slow down the flow of venom into the bloodstream. Make sure that the band can allow your finger to slip under it. You can also place a suction device over the bite in order to suck the poison out of the wounded area without necessarily making cuts. Always check the victim's vital signs as well.

You can never stop snake bites from happening, but you can take precautionary measures to minimize the risks of it from happening to you. Basic knowledge of snake bite first aid procedures can do a long way for your safety and survival.