Ice cream cones come in many forms

You may have experienced frozen treats in a number of different kinds of edible containers. These confectionary delights are a hit with kids of all ages and you have a lot of options in different varieties of ice cream cones.

The first kind of cone that pops into my mind when I think of ice cream cones is the traditional cake cone. This edible container has a crunchy but melt-in-your-mouth texture that is sure to please just about any palette. I find that this is a better choice for anyone who eats pretty quickly. Otherwise, the cone gets a little soggy.

Sugar ice cream cones are my personal favorite. There is an extra-special crunch to this edible container that I find really appealing. The flavor is a little stronger than the cake cone's so you might prefer these ice cream cones with stronger flavors of the popular frozen dessert. If you like a rich rocky road, choose sugar ice cream cones.

The sugar version is a lot tougher, too. You can savor your flavorful frozen dessert a lot longer with this kind of edible container. These ice cream cones aren't always the best options for little mouths, though. The cone can be a little too hard for small children to bite.

Then there are waffle ice cream cones, designed for the not-so-faint of stomach. I can't imagine eating one of these things because the ones that I have seen are really big. I could picture finishing the ice cream inside but the entire dessert seems to be too much for just one person. I'm sure that there are those who find that the waffle ice cream cones are perfect.

Thinking about making you own ice cream cones? You can but it can be pretty tricky and the project isn't the best for novice bakers. I can tell you from experience because I am a novice who actually tried to make her own ice cream cones. It wasn't pretty.

Instead, I decided to forgo the frozen dessert and opted for cake instead. There are wonderful recipes for ice cream cones filled with cake. Just bake the batter in the cones and top off with icing. I opted for a box batter and I was really happy with the results.

No matter how you approach ice cream cones, they will always be associated with the popular frozen dessert that we all know and love. Even when they are filled with cake.