Visual Migraine: Temporary Disturbance With Vision

Visual migraine is something that causes temporary disturbance in the vision and is most often a result of vascular spasms inside of your brain, though minus the headache. Another feature of this condition is that there is a vascular spasm that will cause less flow of blood to the occipital cortex that is a portion of your brain closely associated with vision.

Shimmering Light

Thus, if you have visual migraine, you would experience a sensation in which there is shimmering light in your peripheral vision and which can result in distorted or blurred vision and even pulsating and flashing lights in your peripheral vision. Another feature that you should aware of is that such a condition is not closely associated with any kind of headaches that can cause further disabilities, and thus is generally not treated as such.

Also, when you suffer from visual migraine, both your eyes are going to be equally affected by migraine's visual effects and thus will be indicative of some problems deeper in your brain than mere optic processing. There are also as many as three different types of visual disturbances and each is triggered by varied stimuli.

The first version of such visual migraine is the one in which a central irregular polygon of nothingness will show that the onset of this condition is taking place, and are accompanied by stress as well as tiredness and are quite the same conditions as is experienced with any kind of migraine headaches, though there is also vomiting experienced.

The second type of visual migraine is when you experience a problem with visual processing and it does not matter which eye you are using, and even whether both eyes are being used. This type also has the same type of central expanding polygon though the difference is that the boundaries of the polygon seem to be made from color that are scintillating and also pulsating and which flows around the bands in waves that are not regular. And, there also an absence of nothingness; rather you will perceive distorted as well as broken images.

There is also a third type of visual migraine, which is quite different to the first two and is known to happen with spreadsheets though the reasons are very different. It can also occur due to patterns in the curtains or even with domestic type of wallpaper and such a condition can often get triggered by some form of relaxation, and it may suddenly come into your view producing peculiar type of space which in reality is not there.