Is Home Schooling Legal in Nebraska?

While the short answer to that question is "yes", parents who are considering this option in education should first familiarize themselves with Nebraska's home school laws. A thorough understanding and application of this state's legal requirements will give parents the necessary framework upon which to build a successful and stress-free home school environment.

A Quick Overview

The home school laws in Nebraska require a child to attend school from the ages of six to eighteen. However, a child under seven or over sixteen may be exempt with a notarized statement from the parents. According to Nebraska's home school laws, parents must annually file a notice of intent with the state commissioner of education by August 1, or 30 days before the start of every school year.

Failure to comply with this requirement may result in legal action from the school district and a possible truancy charge against the family. The home school laws in Nebraska clearly specify the number of hours a child must receive instruction: 1,032 hours per year at the elementary level and 1,080 hours per year for high school students. Additionally, instruction must be given in a core group of subjects, which includes math, science, social studies, language arts and health.

Legal Forms

Although Nebraska's home school laws do not require the parents/teachers to possess any specific qualifications, there are several documents that need to be submitted to the school board. One form that must be signed by the parents includes an oath stating that the necessary subjects will be taught. Adherence to the state's vaccination requirements is also mandated, although there is a religious exemption to this law.

The home school laws of Nebraska also obligate parents to submit information on attendance and enrollment for each student. The parent/teacher, referred to as the "instructional monitor" in the law, must supply personal information such as their name, age and level of education completed. The home school laws in Nebraska do not require any specific record keeping on the part of the parent, or any compulsory testing for the students.

The Liberating Power of Knowledge

When parents have a complete understanding of Nebraska's home school laws, they are able to confidently operate their home school within the legal borders of their state. This assurance, as a result of their adherence to these laws will provide a sense of freedom in the administrative aspect of their home school, and give them more time to concentrate on the curriculum and the daily rewards of educating their own children.