Dealing With Sleep Apnea Hypertension

Hypertension is a condition that occurs when blood exerts too much pressure on the inner walls of the blood vessels. Although high stress levels over a prolonged period of time most certainly can influence the level of a person's blood pressure, this is not strictly a disease of anxious people.

Diagnosis of hypertension is based on three separate and consecutive elevated blood pressure readings, and these readings consist of two different numbers, represented as one over the other. The top number in a blood pressure reading is called the systolic reading while the bottom number is referred to as the diastolic reading.

Sleep Apnea Hypertension

Hypertension and heart failure are strongly linked with sleep apnea, and so the issue of sleep apnea hypertension is one of great seriousness. In order to become more educated on the topic of sleep apnea hypertension it is important that you first be aware of the symptoms commonly associated with the condition.

This includes sleepiness for one, which is actually considered as being the cardinal symptom of sleep apnea hypertension. Although in some cases the drowsiness and fatigue is quite mild, in most cases it is so serious that it is almost debilitating. Driving and traveling may become impossible because of the dangers that they pose and sleep can overtake a person, even in the middle of a conversation.

It is therefore imperative to properly and promptly deal with your sleep apnea hypertension, and this means making an appointment to get in and see your doctor. They will perform a few specialized tests which will help them to make a proper assessment and diagnosis of your condition.

From here they will be able to conclude the severity of your sleep apnea hypertension condition and start you on the treatment method most suitable to your particular condition. There are actually a few different treatments that are presently available for sleep apnea hypertension.


Together you and your doctor will be able to come up with a well suited treatment plan for your condition, but one of the first and most important things a hypertensive person can do, even just on their own without the need for advice from their doctor, is make a change in their lifestyle.

You want to cut out fatty, sugary and other unhealthy foods from your diet and increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables that you consume. You also need to make sure you are drinking enough water, at least six to eight glasses a day.