Are There Any Tricks To Stop Snoring?

There are many tricks to stop snoring, most of them home remedies that need to be tried in order to determine if they will work for you or not. They will not work for every snorer on the planet. You need to know why you are snoring. If you snore most nights very loudly, you need to see your doctor and get a professional medical diagnosis. If you have sleep apnea, then the only trick to stop snoring for you is surgery. Please do not use this article as a substitute for a doctor's advice.

Have A Ball

This might seem a little cruel, but the BBC reports this as a very effective trick to stop snoring. You sew or duct-taps a small ball to the back of your pajama tops or nightgown. The goal is to keep you sleeping on your sides instead of on your back, when most instances of snoring occur. If you are the type that has to sleep naked, then you might want to try another trick to stop snoring.

Tape Your Lips Together

This is another trick to stop snoring promoted by BBC News. BBC News is one of the world's most respected news agencies and not prone to practical jokes. Consider taping your mouth shut if you snore. Surgical tape or "ouchless" band-aids (called "plasters" in England) would probably be your best bet, rather than the skin removal power of masking tape. Even clear Scotch tape is easier on the lips than masking tape.

Suck On A Pacifier

Another trick to stop snoring is to use a baby's pacifier (called "dummies" in England). You just stick it in your mouth and apparently it encourages you to keep your mouth closed. The BBC did not say whether you had to tape the pacifier into your mouth or not. This is also supposed to help non-snoring partners of snorers. When the snoring starts, stick the pacifier in the mouth. The BBC and this writer does not claim any responsibility for what might result.

Use Vapor Rub

You know those really stinky creams that you smear onto your chest or throat in order to help get some relief from intense congestion or a band cough? The BBC reports that it also can, in some instances, reduce snoring. Apparently, it helps keep your airways clear. And keep your sinuses drained, probably.

No matter what trick to stop snoring you use, you can help them along by trying to loose weight, quit smoking and not drink alcohol.