Why Are There So Many Children And Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder?

Only until recently have we heard of so many children and adults with attention deficit disorder. You never used to hear of anyone with so many disorders. However, ADD is only disorder in an entire spectrum of disorders that many are diagnosed with these days. What has changed? Why are so many children and adults being diagnosed with this disorder and many others? That question has to be answered and it can only be answered by the parents and teachers of the kids, as well as the loved ones of the adults; for only those people are close enough to know what's really going on.


Teaching children with attention deficit disorder is very frustrating. The kids won't concentrate, they act out and they just won't listen. It's especially frustrating teaching children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That's just ADD with a little hyperactivity thrown in; or a lot of hyperactivity rather. For teachers trying to deal with children and adults with attention deficit disorder, you need to speak to the families to see what's really going on. There may be problems at home, drugs may be involved or it may be related to their diets and exercise regimens, or lack thereof. Hold a parent teacher conference, if you're dealing with children, or speak to the loved ones of the adults if you're teaching adults. Maybe together you can come up with a reason why there are so many children and adults with attention deficit disorder.

Seeing A Doctor

Don't just rush to a doctor the moment your child seems unruly or begins doing badly in school. Be a parent. Listen to your child. If you're dealing with an adult loved one, see what's going on. There may be something below the surface that's not immediately obvious. Talk to the child or adult, see why they're behaving like they are and together try to come up with some sort of solution. The reason there are so many children and adults with attention deficit disorder may be because our diets are horrible, we're not as active as we once were with our dependence on technology, or it may be something else entirely. These days we use so many different things in our daily lives that humans never even came in contact with. We have wireless internet, microwaves cook our food, we use chemicals to clean and to make food not stick to our pans, etc. These foreign objects, chemicals and hidden waves may be contributing to children and adults with attention deficit disorder as well. We may never know. However, you can talk to the person and try to figure it out instead of rushing him or her to a doctor to be put on medicine. Medicine only covers up the symptoms, it does nothing to solve the original problem.