What You Need For Laptop Wireless Internet Access

Computer technology changes a lot and if you lose track of it for just 6 months then you are going to miss out on a lot of additions and things to make your life easier that they have added to computers. Laptops are becoming very popular because they are just as powerful and versatile as desktops and the prices between the two types of computers are almost the same. It used to be that a laptop was 3 or 4 times more expensive than a desktop but not anymore. So as more people venture out into the world they are going to want laptop wireless internet access. So let's see how you go about getting laptop wireless internet access.

The first step to laptop wireless internet access is to get a laptop. I know it seems obvious but this is a complete guide and we are starting at step one. But maybe it is not so obvious. Does your laptop have a built-in wireless internet connection for easy laptop wireless internet access? If you do not have the wireless connection built in then there are two ways you can get it. You can get a PCMCIA card that is a wireless internet card or you can get a PCMCIA card from a provider that connects you specifically to their wireless internet. A PCMCIA card is a card that fits into those slots on the side of your laptop. Most people refer to them as expansion slots. Whatever the terminology you prefer the point is that this is where you can add your laptop wireless internet connection if you do not already have one.

Connecting Please Hold

Many of the major communications companies like Sprint and Verizon offer cards that you can put into your laptop that will connect you directly to their specific network. This is a great idea as long as the provider has a good presence in your area. If you know you will be working in a certain part of the country, and you will require wireless internet access, then do some research and find out what provider is strongest in your area. The provider with the strongest presence is going to give you a faster connection and allow you to work on the internet much faster. So check out the different providers before you purchase their wireless internet access plan. If you know you will be traveling a lot then you need to move to plan B.

Plan B in the world of laptop wireless internet connections involves the wonderful world of wi-fi. Wi-fi is that public internet connection you get in airports and restaurants that allows you to connect to the internet simply by sitting in a chair and turning on your laptop that has the built-in wireless connection or the expansion card with the wireless connection. There are a lot of ways to connect to wi-fi and probably the worst way is on a case by case basis. Your best bet is to research the different wi-fi providers and find the one that seems to have the coverage you are looking for and get a monthly plan with that provider. Paying for each connection is not only costly but dangerous as you never know who is listening when you are broadcasting your credit card information over a public network.