Looking at Acne Treatment and Medication

Looking at Acne Treatment and Medication

Acne remains one of the most difficult and frustrating skin conditions to have to deal with. However, it is also a skin condition that has a number of treatments available to eliminate the presence of it. The following is a brief overview of some of the more common acne treatment and medication methods available that do not include the common over the counter treatments that most are familiar:

Acne Treatment and Medication Number One - Antibiotics

Antibiotics are the most common treatment method for acne. Since acne is primarily caused by bacteria, antibiotics that attack and eradicate bacteria work quite well in eliminating the underlying cause. However, the effects of antibiotics are not permanent and the acne may come back in the future. If this occurs, resuming the usage of antibiotics is usually recommended.

Acne Treatment and Medication Number Two - Cortisteroids

When acne becomes so inflamed that it is painful, cortisone injections are usually administered by a doctor. This reduces the raised, inflamed pimple to its normal skin level. Now, since the patient can not inject the cortisone himself, an oral form of cortisone called a cortisteroid is taken when the inflammation returns.

Acne Treatment and Medication Number Three - Accutane

Probably the most controversial acne treatment in the field of dermatology, accutane serves the purpose of closing the oil glands and the pores so that acne can not "grow." Unfortunately, this drug comes with a number of potential side effects such as liver damage. Because of this, weekly drug tests are required when one is taking this prescription. Needless to say, many people opt not to get involved with it.

Acne Treatment and Medication Number Four - Laser Treatment

Laser treatment closes the glands in the same manner that accutane does. However, it does so in a manner that is much safer. It also does so in a manner that is much more expensive (possibly several thousands of dollars). As such, many are priced out of this effective treatment. However, if price is not a problem then this is a treatment methodology that one should employ.

Acne Treatment and Medication Number Five - Natural Remedies

To be blunt, avoid these like the plague! Natural remedies generally do not work and their results are often over emphasized. While it doesn't hurt to try a natural remedy, the odds of success are pretty much nonexistent. Yes, there is much hype in the news about the joys of natural remedies, much of the hype is exactly that - hype!