Handyman Hints

You’ve decided to clean up your old clutter and generally get you house into some kind of shape. The problem which arises however, is not with the cleaning process but when you decide to take on the job of handyman as well. But you have made up your mind, and to help you in your endeavors you are looking for some useful handyman hints and tips to get you through the next few trying days (or weeks!).

To that end you eagerly trawl through DIY magazines, you sit through almost an entire day of the DIY channel, and come up trumps. You have most of the handyman hints and tips that you need, and you know where to go if you need more.

So what were some of these handyman hints that you found to be of such use to you? Well, for starters you found out that one of the best cleanup methods if you need to drill something involves a vacuum cleaner. That’s right, a vacuum cleaner.

All you need to do is to keep the vacuum nozzle near to where you’re drilling (preferably someone is holding it for you), and watch as the dust gets sucked in. You will be left with only a small amount of vacuuming left to do.

Another of the great handyman hints that you learnt about was about using soap to make it easier for you to twist a nail into anything. Just rub the nail threads in a bar of soap and watch as it practically slides in to surface.

To stop your saw from getting stuck so much while you are sawing away at something, you can rub a bit of candle wax on both sides of the saw to make it slide in and out smoother.

If you paint something, then you need to immediately wash out your paint brush to avoid it from stiffening up. But as is the case sometimes, you might find that you have forgotten to do this, or have overlooked your paintbrush in lieu of cleaning the larger portion of the mess you made.

So if your paint brush is stiff from dried on paint you might try soaking it in a jar of lamp oil. And if you did clean your paint brush, but it unfortunately dried up as hard as a board, you can take care of this problem by either dunking it in the lamp oil, or boiling it in vinegar.

There are more great handyman hints out there for the eager person to find, and if you find that you’re more interested now than you were at the beginning of your little jaunt as a handyman, there are a number of books and other materials which you can use to help you.