Authenticity with a Turkish Coffee Maker

A Turkish coffee maker is a deceptively simple looking pot. That's right, it's a pot, not a machine. A Turkish coffee maker has many names; among the two most common are Ibrik or Cezve. In Greece the Turkish coffee maker is known as Briki.

No matter the name you will have excellent and authentic coffee if you use these amazing little pots to make your Turkish coffee. It may take a little more time than a conventional coffee maker but you would probably only use this for dinner parties or special occasions rather than an everyday affair.

Different Materials

You can buy a Turkish coffee maker made from various materials. Traditionally there are two types of Turkish coffee makers, copper and brass. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your preference you can choose a copper or brass Turkish coffee maker.

A copper coffee maker will brew coffee faster as copper conducts heat better than brass. On the other hand copper is not as hardy as brass and it will lose its shine more quickly. If you would like your Turkish coffee maker to be both functional and decorative then a copper pot may not be the best choice. Copper coffee makers come with a tin lining to protect you from the copper but it is still not considered as safe as its brass cousin.

A brass Turkish coffee maker is as mentioned a little slower in brewing coffee. However traditionalists will swear that this is the best way to brew your Turkish coffee. They are also considered superior to copper coffee makers with the plus that they retain their shape and shiny appearance for much longer. If you are clumsy and often drop pots and pans in the kitchen then this could be a better option.

Aluminum is also becoming popular as a material for Turkish coffee makers. These versions are of course not traditional but also have advantages. It is lighter and this can be a huge bonus if you buy a bigger coffee maker, for example one that is capable of brewing four servings or more. It will also brew coffee much faster than either of the traditional coffee makers.

If you want something traditional then avoid the aluminum ones, as it will be quite obvious that you don't have an authentic Turkish coffee maker on hand. These models however can look very chic and elegant. Though there is no beating the rustic charm of the traditional coffee makers.