Convenience on the Trail with a Camping Coffee Maker

When you rough it in the wilds you don't have to be without your daily fix of coffee. You can now bring along a camping coffee maker that works just as great as the one you plug in back home. It may mean a little extra weight in your pack but if you really can't live without that morning cup of coffee then you won't mind the extra weight.

It means a smooth cup of coffee that is rich tasting, no worry of coffee grounds stuck in your teeth with one of these babies. It's just a little bit of luxury when you're out in the wilds. It really is worth it if you really appreciate coffee.

How it Works

To use a camping coffee maker you will need a camping stove. You will probably have one if you are on a long trip that lasts more than a couple of days or a veteran camper. Simply fit your camping coffee maker over the stove and you will soon have a wonderful cup of coffee that tastes just like you would make it at home. It might even taste better when you are out in the great outdoors.

Nothing Fancy

A camping coffee maker should be simple to use and it should be as no frills as possible. This means that you should be able to use just about any old coffee filter out there. Anything that requires special filters should be tossed out as you might find yourself without the luxury of buying special filters when you are about to go camping.

A good camping coffee maker should also be able to handle wear and tear. Anything that seems flimsy is not a good idea. When you are out camping your pack is likely to get dropped or you might drop the whole coffee maker. Anything that can't stand a knock or two is not suitable for repeated camping trips.

The average camping coffee maker will probably take a little longer to brew coffee than the machine you have at home but this is to be expected. An unfortunate drawback is that all camping coffee makers will not keep your coffee warm.

The solution to this is to pour your coffee into thermos as soon as it's freshly brewed and then you will have hot coffee for the rest of the day. You won't be sorry you lugged your camping coffee maker all the way into the wilds when you have the first great cup of coffee.