Causes Of Hair Loss: Why Some People Are More Prone To Hair Loss

Some of the major causes of hair loss among men are genetic predisposition towards balding, stress, hormonal imbalance, disease and advanced age. Genetic causes of hair loss and advanced age often lead to permanent balding while stress, disease and hormonal imbalance often cause temporary hair loss. Fortunately, permanent hair loss caused by genetic anomalies and advanced age can still be reversed with the right treatment. If you are one of those men who are in your fifties and are going bald, there is still hope for you to regain your hair.

Remedies For Hairs Loss Due To Genetic Predisposition

When the cause of hair loss is genetic in nature, hair growing shampoos and creams do not usually work on people who are predisposed to baldness. Yes, there is a possibility that the rate of hair loss will slow down a little if one uses hair growing shampoos and creams, but there is really no assurance that the hair will grow back the way it used to. You see, the genes of a person defines the way his or her body behaves so there is really not much that one can do at this point to stimulate hair re-growth with the use of shampoos and creams.

What then can a person do to resolve hair loss caused by genetic factors? There are two ways to resolve the problem of hair loss caused by genetic factors. First, a person who is suffering from hair loss caused by genetic factors can choose to ignore the balding process and get on with his life. Being bald is not really such a disgrace among men as it is among women. In fact, being bald at the age of fifty or sixty is highly acceptable among men. A lot of famous men out there are bald and these people do not seemed bothered by the fact they do not have a single hair on their scalp.

On the other hand, the second option for people who are going bald due to genetic factors is to go for hair transplant. Hair transplant is actually the best option for genetically caused hair loss among men. However, for hair implantation to work out, the person seeking this treatment must still have a few healthy hairs on his scalp. Note that hair implantation involves the harvesting of healthy hair in the other parts of the head and then migrating these healthy hairs to the bald parts of the head. Is it possible to use the hair of other people for the transplant? Yes, it is possible to use the hair of other people for the procedure but the likelihood of success is slimmer compared to using the patients own hair.