The Link between Vitamin C and Heart Disease

Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins our body needs to function well. It is actually manufactured by many living things, not including human beings. The most well known side effect of Vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. Since Vitamin C gets used up in human bodies, we need a daily dose of Vitamin C to maintain our body functions.

Heart Disease

Vitamin C and heart disease are a growing topic of research and study. This is because there has been significant evidence that there is a link between Vitamin C and heart disease. Doctors have long known that deficiency in Vitamin C causes degradation of tissues. These tissues include our arteries and blood vessels. Our arteries have a healing reaction when they feel that they are deficient in Vitamin C. They produce a form of low density lipoprotein to coat the stressed areas of the arteries.

Vitamin C is one of the main elements needed for the production of collagen. Between Vitamin C and heart disease, a deficiency in vitamin C will produce arteries that are prone to damage. Damaged or stressed arteries will produce the lipoprotein which in turn causes build up in the arterial walls. The proper supplementation of Vitamin C can help prevent heart disease.

This theory regarding Vitamin C and heart disease is compounded by scurvy victims who have ruptured blood vessels due to the disease. This shows that there is a solid connection to the health of our arteries and our supply of Vitamin C. Since our bodies do not produce Vitamin C on it s own, we are supposed to supplement this with a diet rich in Vitamin C. Animals who produce Vitamin C naturally do not suffer from any forms of heart disease.

Vitamin C is also said to promote the production of ubiquinone which plays an antioxidant role in our body. It can also lower blood pressure as well as play a significant role in brain health. Ubiquinone has also been cited as an aide to mitochondrial and metabolic disorders.

The link between Vitamin C and heart disease has been established that it does have a significant effect on heart disease. Supplementing our healthy diets with enough Vitamin C can effectively impact our body and help prevent heart disease. Not only is there a link between Vitamin C and heart disease but Vitamin C can also help with a lot of other sicknesses and diseases.