Know The Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

With all of the concern with blood pressure, it is no wonder that so many people are trying to find ways to solve their medical problems instead of using modern medicine, as it was often natural causes that put them into the situation to begin with. There are many foods that lower blood pressure and there are just as many foods, if not more, that can raise blood pressure. What matters is knowing which is which and then bringing them into your normal diet and making them a part of the way you live.

To truly first understand what foods to avoid and why you need to avoid them will help you in picking the right foods that lower blood pressure. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, you need to avoid foods that are high in sodium. The reason for this is that by eating too much of these foods will make you ending up with arterioles with extra strain placed on them with raises blood pressure. The normal amount RDA in regards to sodium intake for the majority of people is two thousand four hundred milligrams. If you are unsure about the sodium content in something, a good rule to follow is just to stay away from pre-cooked or processed food in order to leave room for fresh foods that lower blood pressure.

Specific Foods To Avoid

It is always good to have a base understanding of some commonly used foods, which are not foods that lower blood pressure but instead raise it. Meats such as ribs, ham, hot dogs, bologna, bacon, and sausage should really be avoided when searching for foods that lower blood pressure. Also you will want to stay away from soups, cheeses, cereals, butter, fatback, pork rinds, and peanuts. And these foods are just a few of the foods that you want to stay as far away from as possible.

But it doesn't end there, as most people do not even stop to think about what it is that they are drinking. Drinks such as club soda or saccharin-flavored soda are things that someone suffering from high blood pressure would want to avoid. Also, let's not forget sauces and seasonings, as it is also about what you flavor your food with then just the food itself. Soy sauce, steak sauce, mustard, onion salt, garlic salt, monosodium glutamate, baking soda, baking powder, and barbecue sauce are just to name a few that fall within the category of things not to ingest when searching for foods that lower blood pressure.