Kidney Stones: Among the Many Urologic Diseases

There are different types of urologic diseases, each having their own set of conditions, but each bordering together on the whole aspect of discomfort and pain. Kidney Stones would be one of the most common urologic diseases, along with Urinary Cystitis, another class in the roster of urologic diseases.

Kidney stones differs form urinary cystitis, in the sense that kidney stones aren't infections, which urinary cystitis is. Basically, kidney stones are crystal aggregations, or solid material formations, found in urine. They pose to be a problem, as there presence could lead to a "clogging up" of the urinary system, leading to the distention of urine, which results to painful experiences. They actually stand in being one of the most common of urologic diseases.

Referred to as renal colic, kidney stone conditions are often exhibited by such physical symptoms: pain in the flank, lower abdomen, and groin regions of the body. Certain kidney stone symptoms are associated with vomiting and nausea, caused by the embryologic connection between the kidneys and the gastrointestinal system.

Urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis are two of the known kidney stone conditions. Urolithiasis refers to the prevalence of kidney stones in the urinary tract, while nephrolithiasis refers to the presence of kidney stones in the kidneys themselves.

There are different types of kidney stones, which are basically composed of different materials, as well as different sizes of kidney stones. Kidney stones come as small as grains, or a grain, of sand, as well as come as large as that of a grapefruit. Bottom line, once a kidney stone grows to two to three millimeters, they exhibit problems, which are sure to be a concern for those afflicted with them.

As with most conditions, there are various solutions kidney stone problems, ranging in between the surgical kind, to the more home remedy based concoctions, which are as testimonials would put them, proven to actually work. One of the most popular of home remedy kidney stone solutions would be that of the Olive Oil and Lemon Juice kidney stone solution. The olive oil and lemon juice kidney stone solution is basically a mix of two ounces of lemon juice and two ounces of olive oil. After drinking, it is ideally followed by with a tall glass of water.

Again, this home remedy solution isn't exactly medically proven to be the solution for kidney stones, but is backed up with countless testimonials which claim to say it works. So there you have it. One of the most prevalent of urologic diseases.