Meditation Tips For Everybody

Meditation is easy. Going into a meditative state at will is harder. Here are some meditation tips from someone who has been practicing meditation of one form or another for about thirty years. You ever see a child at play? They are totally into playing, aren't they? There is nothing else happening in the universe to that child at that moment other than the act of playing. Guess what? That kid is mediating. Meditating is getting back to the mind state we were all born with.

Drop All Preconceptions

Perhaps you associate meditation with sitting in a lotus or pretzel position, emptying your mind and having clouds of incense fogging up the room. Well, that kind of mediation works for some, but it is not the only form of mediation available to you. The best meditation tip I can give is to drop all of your preconceptions about what meditation is and is not. Hopefully, that knowledge will relax you and help you meditate.

Confusion Is Good

One of the reasons a lot of people drop meditation is that it confuses them, or brings up very confusing thoughts to the surface of their minds. This confusion state is normal. And, believe it or not, it's good! The second best meditation tip I can give you is that you should expect and accept the fact that you will be completely confused about meditation for a while. Don't worry about it.

The mind is normally very active, performing thousand of computations at once. When you meditate, you are able to take some time out to observe your mind and notice that it doesn't like to keep still. The ancients called this "monkey mind". Don't stop your mind's activity - just notice it, accept it and move on to the next thought. That's the next best meditation tip I can give.

Read The Dalai Lama

This next meditation tip is for those of you who were introduced to the practice of meditation as adults or teenagers - read anything by the Dalai Lama. The current Dalai Lama is one of the most gifted instructors on how to meditate that has ever lived. Although Tibetan is the language he is most fluent in, he is blessed to work with many excellent translators for many different languages.

The Dalai Lama has about thirty books that are available in English translations. They are brilliant for anyone of any race or religion. One of his most famous books in America is The Art of Happiness.