Are you interest in forensic science?

You'll commonly hear the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" as a child. Well, it's doubtful you'll actually know for sure what you want to do or what field excites you most at an early age. We tend to change as we grow and learn. However, I will say this; certain jobs are gaining more attention due to popular TV shows and movies. Take "CSI" for instance. This smash hit has really boosted our interest in forensic science. Now there are numerous individuals striving for their forensic science degree. Much more than there ever have been before. It's truly amazing the impact that our media and entertainment have on us.

One shouldn't automatically assume that once he/she attains a forensic science degree, his/her life will be similar to the characters on a "CSI" series. While these shows most likely glorify the field of forensic science, you have to remember that TV is make-believe; not reality. In fact, these hit TV shows actually take forensic science to a whole new level. They act as though no criminal on the planet can get away with a crime. Sure, this would be an ideal world if that were true, but the television shows tend to take forensic science to an extreme. We're not quite as advanced as they make out on the TV shows. You have to separate what's real and what makes quality entertainment. On the other hand, this should certainly not pull away from your desire to acquire a forensic science degree and become a real-life CSI, or any other related field for that matter.

If you harbor an interest in criminology and forensic science, then maybe a position in law enforcement is right for you. As opposed to being a cop on the street, you could actually work the safer side of the law with your forensic science degree. Imagine yourself in a lab, working with evidence and

striving to solve a case. You could make the difference in whether or not a criminal is brought to justice or goes free. Of course it's a large responsibility, but it's also a wonderful duty to achieve. Explore the world of forensic science and obtain your forensic science degree for a bright future in solving real crimes and helping real people.