What Are Contemporary Rugs?

Rugs have been used by people for many centuries already. They have been used as decorations, tapestries and for other practical purposes. These days, rugs have evolved from the traditional hand made rugs to machine made contemporary rugs that can be mass produced. These contemporary rugs come in varied sizes and designs that are more suitable for some modern individuals who prefer abstract prints and designs.

Why They Are Called Contemporary Rugs

The rugs are so called because of the designs that are printed on them. The name contemporary rugs have nothing to do with the method of making them or their materials. The designs play a major role in naming them contemporary rugs. Compared to the traditional designs that lean more towards Persian designs, contemporary designs are more linear or abstract.

Contemporary rugs are recognizable due to their designs. These are also made with machines that can churn out perfect copies of each rug at a fast rate compared to the hand made rugs that take a few days and even weeks to make, depending on the size.

The materials of contemporary rugs can be anything from the traditional wool or cotton to synthetic fibers or nylons. Due to the many fabric discoveries and inventions, modern rugs have been made more durable and some even fire resistant. The fire resistant rugs are mainly for use on hearth and fireplaces to protect the carpet or wooden floors from sparks and potential fire.

Most contemporary rugs are flat and have backing although some follow the older designs also. They also have the larger rugs that are equivalent to a small room or an area rug that covers a small area.

Comparing The Cost

Contemporary rugs are cheaper when compared to the traditional hand made rugs of the same size. This is because modern rugs are easier to make and design compared to the hand made ones. Some designers even utilized computers to produce the abstract or linear designs prevalent in modern rugs. Most contemporary rugs are also lighter to ship than some hand made rugs.

Actually, choosing a rug is dependent on the preferences of the individual and his needs. A contemporary room or area will need a contemporary looking rug to complement it. Otherwise, the room will look awkward if the rug does not match it and its surroundings. Contemporary rugs are made in all shades of all colors. There should be no problem choosing a color and design to suit your needs.