A Brief Solar Energy History

We all know how advantageous and beneficial solar energy is today but few people are actually aware of the history of solar energy. Many people just assume that the nation's first serious push for solar energy spawned while angry Americans waited in lines during the energy crises of the 1970s. But actually the history of solar energy show that efforts to design and construct devices for solar energy began centuries before that. Solar power did not boast many major gains throughout the first half of the 20th century, even though there was definitely a great interest in it. The history of solar energy tells us that this form of energy has been used for thousands of years now.

The first modern long term practical application of photovoltaic cells was in satellite systems. These cells provided the electrical power to the Vanguard I satellite until the year 1964 when the system was shut down. There was a man named Mouchout, who created a motor that ran on solar energy and even a steam engine that worked off solar energy.

Solar Energy Today

Today solar energy is used in two basic forms: solar thermal and solar electric. Solar thermal is that which uses the suns energy to heat water or some other type of liquid such as glycol, whereas solar electric which uses the rays of the sun to create electricity by utilizing photovoltaic cells.

Solar technology is one of the most promising technologies in the world today, and especially when compared to other energy sources such as fossil fuel. It is easy to see the heightened benefits and advantages that solar energy has to offer.

Solar Energy In The Future

The history of solar energy is quite impressive but the future of solar energy is sure to be even more so. The future looks incredibly bright because technological advancements are constantly coming about and new uses for solar energy are continuously being found. Solar technology has already advanced to the point that homeowners are able to install their own solar energy systems and remain off the grid for long periods of time without having to rely at all on central power stations.

Only time will tell just how far we go with solar energy, but by using solar energy rather than other energy sources we not only save money but also help the environment by reducing the amounts of harmful fuels and gases that are let out into the environment and threaten the global climate. If you have not already got into the solar energy fad then you should definitely educate yourself more on it and find out what you can do to become more involved.