Dealing With Varicose Veins Itching

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that are visible just beneath the top layer of skin. They are often dark blue or purple in color and are usually twisted and bulging. Especially when they are larger in size they are quite unsightly and can be very disturbing to one's self esteem and self confidence.

Basically the reason that varicose veins develop is because there is damage to the valves and as a result the blood has to work harder to get through them, and often pools.

Varicose Veins Itching

Many people with varicose veins experience varicose veins itching, which can make the problem that much worse. These people will often experience varicose veins itching, a feeling of heat and tenderness over their veins. Varicose veins itching is often worst at the very end of the day, and this is a result of the wear and tear that has been put on them over the duration of the day.


In order to get rid of the varicose veins and varicose veins itching that you are experiencing, it is important that you go through with the appropriate treatment. Varicose vein surgery is one of the most common choices here, and this involves the removal of any affected superficial veins. There are many different types of operation that your doctor may choose to go with.

He will make this decision based on a few factors, including which veins need treatment and how large they are. People who only have smaller varicose veins may not get a recommendation to go through with this surgery, as it is only typically used to treat larger varicose veins.

Prevention is the Key

It is important even for people who have not yet developed varicose veins to understand that prevention really is key here. If you do not want to get varicose veins and no one does, then you will need to take the proper precautions to guard yourself against them. This means avoiding standing still for long periods of time because you will be putting weight on your legs, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Exercise and proper nutrition are both very important and will help protect you from developing varicose veins in the future. Wearing properly fitted compression stockings to prevent further deterioration of exiting varicose veins if you have them is also very important, and will at least keep your problem to a minimum.

You can deal successfully with varicose veins, although it may take a bit of time and some trial and error.