Effective Nutritional Treatment For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are veins that have been twisted and deformed due to increased blood pressure. Veins usually bring the blood to the heart for processing, as the tissues in the body help the veins bring the blood to the heart, increased blood pressure will deform the veins. The problem with deformed veins is that they have no way of going back to their original state and form. They get twisted as the tissues apply more pressure on them to function well. This will result to blood pooling in the nooks and crannies of the veins.

Nutritional treatment for varicose veins can both be preventive and also used to reduce the appearance of the veins. There are actually many nutritional treatments for varicose veins that are not certified nor recommended by medical doctors. Although these nutritional treatments for varicose veins are good for you when you evaluate them for their nutritional value, there is no medical proof that they can effectively eliminate the visible varicose veins.

Dietary Changes As Nutritional Treatment For Varicose Veins

Eating more fruits, whole grains and vegetables can be a nutritional treatment for varicose veins. This is because they lessen constipation. Constipation and straining for a bowel movement can reduce the flow of blood to the hear resulting to severely taxed veins. Eating more fibrous materials and less refined carbohydrates and fats can help you with varicose veins.

Eating more of garlic, onions and ginger is a nutritional treatment for varicose veins. These help to break down the substance surrounding varicose veins, called fibrin. Those who have multiple occurrences of varicose veins will have fewer intake of onions, garlic and ginger. Another nutritional treatment for varicose veins is going on a juice diet at least once a week. This helps you have a more regular bowel movement which in turn can help prevent straining.

Supplements As Nutritional Treatment For Varicose Veins

Some vitamins and minerals are recommended as nutritional treatment for varicose veins. These include Vitamins E, K, C and A as well as B-complex vitamins. Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Bromelain and lecithin are just a few of the recommended supplements that can be a nutritional treatment for varicose veins. These are mostly antioxidants that help to maintain the presence of toxins in the body thus reducing the occurrence of varicose veins.

Nutritional treatments for varicose veins can be very advantageous over surgery and other procedures to remove varicose veins because they cost less and are not invasive.