How To Come Up With The Best Baby Shower Ideas Ever

So you're hosting a baby shower - congratulations. Opening your home to give a baby shower for a friend or family member is a generous way to reinforce your special relationship with the mother-to-be.

The only drawback of hosting a baby shower is that, as the hostess, you have to decide on ideas for the shower invitations, decorations, refreshments, and games. Here are some tips you can use to come up with great ideas for a baby shower.

Recycled Baby Shower Memories

Some of the most successful baby shower ideas are ideas you recycle from memory.
If you've gone to a lot of baby showers, think back on as many of them as you can recall. Which one was your favorite? What did you like about it? Which one was the least favorite, and what was wrong with it?

If you're a mom, think about the baby showers that were given for you when you were pregnant. Can you remember what the cake looked like? What games you played? Ask an older relative what shower ideas were popular when she had her children. Among all these memories, there are great baby shower ideas that you can use when you host your baby shower.

Brainstorming Baby shower ideas

Another way to come up with great ideas for a baby shower is to gather a group together for a brainstorming session. Start brainstorming for ideas for the baby shower theme. Set a timer for three minutes, and give everyone a piece of paper and something to write with. For the entire three minutes, everyone writes down one idea after another for a baby shower theme. No baby shower idea is a bad idea; when you're brainstorming, you need to keep the ideas coming, one after another.

At the end of the three-minute session, each person passes their list of baby shower ideas to the person to their right. This prevents someone from being too self-conscious to read their own ideas. Then each person takes turns reading the baby shower ideas on the piece of paper in front of them. After a brainstorming session like this, chances are very good that you will end up with several good baby shower ideas from which to choose.

If, in spite of your best efforts, you can't seem to come up with a good baby shower idea, don't despair. Any time friends gather to celebrate the impending birth of a child is bound to be memorable, whether you plan a theme for the occasion or just go with the flow.