Orchids Are Prettiest in Unique Orchid Planters

Orchids Are Prettiest in Unique Orchid Planters

Orchids are the largest and most diverse of the flowering plant families. It has over 25,000 species in its category. Some people even consider the orchid to be the most advanced floral evolution known to man. There are many orchid species which are endangered and are protected by international law in their natural habitat, while many others are plentiful and are not endangered.

The orchid is probably the oldest flower known to man and dates back to the dinosaur era. A student of Aristotle was the first to name the plant and it was recorded in his book around 286 BC. It is derived from the Greek word orchis, meaning testicle. The testicle must come from its tuberous roots. The same student eventually became known as the father of botany and ecology. Orchids are very beautiful and it is amazing to think how old they really are. It is fairly simple to grow orchids and putting them in unusual orchid planters will add a very pleasant touch to anyone's home.

An Orchid Garden

An orchid garden is not like a traditional garden. Orchids are grown in planters or on trees. They have tuberous roots which contain all of the water and nutrients that they need. Their natural habitats are in Asia, Central America and Tropical locations. Taiwan is the leading orchid exporter in the world. It is also the leader in exporting orchid planters. Orchids are absolutely beautiful when they are grown in orchid planters. If grown appropriately, your orchids will bloom continuously in your orchid garden. An orchid garden which is comprised only of orchid planters will be one of the most beautiful things you have ever accomplished. The planters can be weaved into slatted baskets for a very unique look. They can be square, oblong or round.

Orchids pots can simply be dropped into these unique orchid planters or your orchid plants can be planted directly into them. The baskets are lined with sheet and moss and have a very natural finished look. Another fun and tropical look for orchids is the Jimmy Buffet look. Making an orchid planter out of a coconut is a unique concept for orchids, but one that fits into their mystique. They are tropical plants so having a coconut orchid planter makes your orchids feel like they are home. Hang your coconut in a tree or patio and it will also give that area a very tropical feel. Macramé hangers are always good for your orchid plants and orchid planters because the tubers can attach themselves to the macramé like they do to trees. As you can see, orchid gardens are very easy to make and very easy to maintain.