Natural Cures for Sinus Infection That Have Proven to Work

A sinus infection occurs when the paranasal sinuses located just behind the nasal cavity become congested with bacteria and mucus. The tissue around the sinuses becomes inflamed and bombarded with bacteria that begin dividing and congesting the cavity. Antibiotics are usually frowned upon as long term treatment for sinus infection because the bacteria develop resistance strains to the antibiotics which, in turn, causes the antibiotics to become ineffective when used to destroy these mutant strains.

An increasing trend that is developing in warding off these menacing creatures is through the use of natural cures for sinus infection. However, you should consider that natural cures are not regulated like prescription medications are. If a sinus infection progresses to a severe point, do not neglect prescription medications for natural cures. Always contact your healthcare provider regarding any changes or information in regard to sinus infection.

Another consideration for dealing with sinus infection is drinking plenty of fluids. This is one way of flushing your system of any unwanted or potentially harmful bacteria. There is a technique available from healthcare providers which is know as sinus irrigation. This technique flushes the sinuses by the injection of sterile water through the paranasal sinuses thus, ridding unwanted bacteria out of your system. Always consult your doctor about all natural cures for sinus infection

Various Approaches for Natural Cures for Sinus Infection

Western Perspective for Natural Cures for Sinus Infection

Some herbal extracts are supposed to rid the sinuses of bacteria. Chamomile tea aids in calming your mind and body and both eucalyptus and peppermint fight bacteria and dry up mucus. Apple cider vinegar is also known to be a holistic cure for a sinus infection

Vitamins A, D, E and K are known to aid in drying up mucus due to their fat solubility content and zinc supplements shorten the life of a cold.

Steam Treatment

Steam loosens the mucous that has compacted itself in the paranasal sinuses and moves the congestion outside of the body to help clear up the infection.

Cold Compression as a Natural Cure for Sinus Infection

This also aids in relieving sinus headaches by shrinking the membrane tissue located around the paranasal sinuses

One should eat foods that are rich in antioxidants as this will help oxidize bacteria to kill the cell wall. This, in turn, will boost your immune system to rid your body of bacteria. Other foods that are known to be natural cures for sinus infection include berries, red grapes, tomatoes, broccoli, garlic and spinach.

Sinus Irrigation

This technique puts warm water through the paranasal sinuses; however always be sure to read the directions on the box.